Change starts here.
Have you ever asked yourself
~How can I be happy?
~How can I feel better about myself?
~How can I stop procrastinating?
~How can I stop overthinking?
~How can I stop overeating?
~How can I stop drinking alcohol?
~How can I live happily in sobriety?
~How can I start loving my body?
~How can I show up as my best self?

If you've asked yourself any of these questions, good news:
~You are not alone, and there is hope!
~You can change how you feel and show up in your life.
~You can create new, empowering thoughts.
~You can redesign your life from the inside out.
But it has to be you who changes.
Only you can change yourself, and the change must start between your ears.
Have you tried changing all of the outside stuff?
The car, shoes, relationship, job, city, and hairstyle?
How's that working out for you?
Have you conditioned how you feel inside on what you have on the outside?
Do you say "I'll feel happy when
~I get the promotion
~I get the boyfriend
~I get the car
~I get the raise
~I move to that city
~I lose XX pounds
~I can fit into my skinny jeans?
The truth is (and you probably already know it if you're reading this) that none of the external stuff will change how you feel about yourself.
None of the things will make you feel happier or more worthy.
You might feel satisfied for a few minutes, days, or weeks, after you get the new, shiny car or guy, but that satisfaction will eventually dissipate, and you'll be right back to where you were: longing for more stuff.
How do I know? Well, I've been there, done that, and have a closet full of expensive shoes and bags to prove it.
Are you ready to create lasting change?
Are you ready to build your self-confidence?
Are you committed to going from SURVIVING - - - TO THRIVING?
from GOOD - - - TO GREAT?
How would your life improve if you finally stopped
Certified Life Coach,
Certified Relationships Coach,
E-RYT 500,
Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher,
Lily Shanks is a self-described "Recovering Attorney" who worked as a litigator for more than 15 years before finally fully embracing the title of Certified Life Coach.
Lily's coaching style draws on her own novel educational and experiential background to provide clients a unique coaching experience, designed to shatter their self-imposed limits and transform them from surviving to living to thriving....
I had 2 significant issues I was working on – one was a relationship issue with someone important to me, and the other involved my own internal self-doubt. I went as far as I could go on both issues by myself and knew it was time for me to connect with someone to further my progress.
Throughout our time together, Lily gently guided me towards asking myself the hard questions I had been avoiding. She suggested strategies for managing my internal thoughts, helping me to turn the negative into positive within my head and heart. She encouraged me every step of the way and never judged if I fell short of a goal between sessions. She met me where I was and helped me move in the direction I wanted to go.
As a result of working with Lily, I am now in a much better place in my head and in my heart. I have even had the opportunity to apply the strategies I learned from Lily to other situations that have arisen, which has helped me rest so much more comfortably with myself amidst new stressors.
I am so grateful to Lily for helping me experience the healing, forgiveness and kindness I needed for myself and for others in my life.
~Maryann M.
Working with Lily over the past 6 months has been an incredible honor. She has been a patient, encouraging, and devoted mentor to me during a very turbulent period in my life.
The wisdom and guidance I have received from Lily has enabled me to overcome difficult situations and to grow in a positive direction. I am extremely grateful for the experience I have had to work with Lily. I am a better person because of her.
~Client late 2020
What is "Internal Weather"?
We spend lots of time talking about the weather – the heat, cold, humidity, and rain. It dictates our plans, our clothing choices, our traffic routes . . .
But how much attention do You pay to Your internal environment?
How does your well-being (or lack thereof) affect your life?
What would you do to feel good, inside, no matter what is going on outside?
We can help.
Our services might be for you if:
you sprint through your day, only to collapse at the end, unsure of what you did
you aren't sure who you are or where you're going in life,
you drift through your days, unable to focus and anxious
you feel like your life is flying by,
you're unsure of your purpose in life,
you feel as though you're barely surviving instead of thriving, or
you want to live your best life, but you aren't sure how to do it.
Your new life can begin today.
It's possible.
Are you willing to take the necessary steps?
Mindset Coach & Corporate Wellness Program Manager

Hello there!
If you've read this far, you may be feeling unsure about what coaching involves, whether it's right for you, or whether there might be a better path for you. I understand! That's why I offer Complimentary Clarity Calls to people like you. On your Clarity Call, we'll discuss:
Your big dreams and goals (it's okay if you aren't sure what they are - I will help you clarify them);
What's been blocking you from reaching your dreams and goals;
What coaching is and whether it could serve you; and
I will answer your questions and give you my highest recommendation for your next steps.
Schedule your Complimentary Clarity Call below.