Law Firm Wellness Approach
MIW appreciates the particular strain and stress inherent in the legal profession. As workers whose jobs and value largely depend upon the amount of hours they bill, attorneys' free time can seem non-existent.
Based upon her own experience as an attorney, Lily founded MIW to provide her fellowship lawyers and their law firms with practical, effective wellness resources. Our law firm wellness plans uniquely incentivize attorneys to take ownership over their health and well-being. We teach attorneys and legal staff simple ways to destress and empower them to make healthier choices.
Healthier lawyers are happier lawyers, making them better lawyers.
Check back soon for a link to our new sister website for additional information related to attorney well-being.
In the meantime, schedule an initial consultation to discuss how MIW can assist your law firm!
Law Firm Wellness Consultation
Want to provide your firm with an exceptional wellness experience? Â Set an Introductory call to discuss the many options we provide.